29.– 30. November 2014 in 68167 Mannheim - GBG-Hall: GBG-Hall: GBG-Halle Mannheim - GBG Halle The current FAI F3P-AP sequence for 2014/15 will be used for the F3P-Expert class - plus the proven Unknown sequence for the top ten pilots. F3P-Sport is the same sequence as last year - a simplified version of the F3P-AP sequence, to make the transition to F3P-Expert easier. Complete description available as download (in German only): Slowflyer » Downloads Online registration form is being prepared by the organizing club (BPMV Mannheim - BPMV Mannheim - Home) and you will read it here, when it is available - so watch this space! Jürgen
Missing the F3P pilots from the Netherlands? Germany: Martin Münster - F3P-Sport & AM Christof Tittel - F3P-Sport & AM Gerhard Balzarek - F3P-Sport Kevin Kirz - F3P-Sport & AM Dennis Heskamp - F3P-Expert & AM Altan Aydemir - F3P-Expert Dennis Horn - F3P-Expert & AM Markus Zolitsch - F3P-Expert Marc Faulhaber - F3P-Expert & AM Sergej Glavak - F3P-Expert Netherlands: ? Czech Republic: ? Austria: Björn Wultsch - F3P-Sport Oliver Fuchs - F3P-Expert Gernot Bruckmann - F3P-Expert & AM Baumgartner, Erwin - F3P-Expert & AM France: Julien Hecht - F3P-Expert & AM Italy: Filippo Materazzi - F3P-Expert & AM Lithuania: Donatas Pauzuolis - F3P-Expert & AM Russia: Alexey Lantsov - F3P-Expert Slovenia: Alan Goljevscek - F3P-Expert & AM Switzerland: Boris Ziegenhagen - F3P-Expert & AM Christian Oppliger - F3P-Expert & AM Philipp Schürmann - F3P-Expert Alois Schürmann - F3P-Expert Patrick Trauffer - F3P-Expert Ruedi Gallati - F3P-Expert
Two "last minute pilots" from the Netherlands have joined F3P-Expert class: #22 Peter van de Riet and #24 Robin Janssen. As the practise times have already been posted, their practise slots will be Saturday, 29th Nov. 2014, 11:16 to 11:20 and 11:20 to 11:24. http://www.rc-network.de/forum/show...nstflug-2014?p=3574907&viewfull=1#post3574907 Jürgen